Once upon a time the conservative people wanted to condemn and kill a girl because she was a slut, a prostitute! Her name was Maria Magdalena. Two millenniums after we count with the theory that she was Jesus’ wife and the entire story about her being a bitch was a lie. The church did not believe we could pray for a man who fucked a pussy just because mostly all the clergy hates that idea.
Anyway, since Jesus´s time to be a Slut is bad, but why?
Before we try to answer that, let´s see what a Slut is and what is a Prostitute.
Slut is somebody who loves and have a a lot of sex, for free.
Prostitute is a slut with business sense.
As you see there is a little difference and we used to condemn both of them. In a century when almost all taboos had come down, we still judged and criticize cruelly those people who have chosen to do what they want with their own bodies.
We marginalize the prostitutes and say they are disgusting and dangerous, well, sometimes they really are after feeling they do not fit in our society, we can´t expect somebody will be nice after we throw them in the garbage. We rejected to be our friend the sluts. Imagine, how terrible will be to have a friend who have sex with so many people, oh my god, he/she participates even in orgies, what the people will think about me if they know I have such friend? Is such big dilemma, isn´t it?
Oh come on Darling, wake up! Prostitutes are doing what we all do with the difference he/she is getting some money for that. The sluts are also doing what we do and the difference is they are not ashamed of that. We all, almost all, love sex! All the kinds and preferences, we do not need to like all stuff but we can´t judge who has sort of strange, crazy, dirty, commercial or whatever type of sex. By the way, sex is the reason we all are here, right?
I do support all kind of people who are brave enough to live the life they want to, even if is not my thing. I am not Mather Teresa of Calcutta who loves everybody and hold them in my arms, but I learned in my life to respect people´s choice and this is what this article is about. Is not about pay a prostitute or be the best friend of a slut, unless you feel like doing it.
You don´t need to give them that cold look or make that "Ježíš Maria" faces. We all are clever, adults, modern, beautiful and responsible for our own life and image. Nobody can be happy for you, nobody can decide what you need and nobody will damage who you are. Sometimes is better to have a happy and self-confident slut as your friend than a fake conservative person who just wants to suck your blood. Or pay a prostitute with all the sexual skills to fulfil your organic needs than to have someone in bed who makes you feel frustrated.
Let´s open our minds and close that box full of old pre-judgements and limitations which just push us backwards. Let´s look to diversity and say more often: It´sOK!
With love...Diva NOXX

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