Why Italians are so angry with a new gay-friendly ad from IKEA?
A new ad from IKEA, the latest in the company's long history of LGBT-directed marketing, features a same-sex couple holding hands. But Italian leaders aren't feeling the love.
IKEA says: We are open to all families. With us you will feel at home. What we want to do is make life easier for everyone, every family, every couple, whoever they are.
But the newspapers says: It labelled it as ''provocative'' and added:'’What's behind all this? It's not awareness of gay rights for gay couples. It's just a brazen marketing strategy.’
The paper went on to say that it was ''not an isolated incident'' but a clear attempt at ''Swedish Imperialism'' that tried to make everyone equal by having the same ''cheap furniture.''
Of course any company is thinking about the money of gays, but I believe any attempt of equality is great. And the reaction from the Land of the Pope do not surprise me at all.
Of course any company is thinking about the money of gays, but I believe any attempt of equality is great. And the reaction from the Land of the Pope do not surprise me at all.

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